Section 3-Modus ETP Components
Section 3 - Modus ETP Components
Major transformation clearly needs to deliver the required dimensions of vision and strategy. Whether the requirement is a complete pivot to respond to changes and challenges in your sector, or a crucial response from a specific function such as supply chain, finance, procurement and so on, the program needs to lock that change back to the strategy and Business Model.
The crucial first stage of converting your strategy into an actionable plan, with an ability to execute perfectly every time begins in the Strategy Hub and the Value Chain Modeler. Modus ETP provides a strategic business model canvase in which changes are identified as a basis for identifying necessary responses in the end-to-end value chain. This ensures that the strategic need is logically locked to the value chain, forming the crucial bridge to the Operating Model. It takes the form of a mapping and planning template available right out-of-the-box that guides you to identify and capture every Element that must be linked and embedded in your Transformation Road Map.
The output of this methodology is a reporting dashboard highlighting planned, transitional and achieved changes.
Strategy Hub Ver 6.0
A mapping and planning method, available right out of the box, that guides your planning and mobilization process to ensure every element is identified, linked and embedded.
The Value Chain forges a critical link between the vision, strategy and business model, and the operating models. It provides end-to-end visibility of how and where value is added on the journey from source to customer – indeed entire lifecycles - to create the capability to deliver the strategy and business model.
Introducing the Modus Value Chain Modeller- At the heart of our platform lies the Modus Value Chain Modeller, a robust tool designed to encapsulate your unique Value Chain. It does more than just map the flow; it interweaves the essential elements, or 'overlays', that are integral to the Value Chain, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of how each aspect contributes to the whole. Overlays: The Dimensions of Value The Value Chain is not simply a two-dimensional flow, but a confluence of various elements that add depth and perspective. These overlays include, for example:
- Products & Services: The core offerings that drive value.
- Customer Engagement: Understanding who we serve and their journey.
- Organizational Structure: Defining roles and responsibilities that move the strategy forward.
- Performance Metrics: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that drive behaviour and measure success.
- Information Streams: Data flows that inform and empower decision-making.
- Technological Infrastructure: IT systems that underpin operations and innovation.
The Modeller's Functionality- The modeller's inherent functionality integrates these overlays within the platform's architecture, aligning them with the detailed components of operating models and transformation management frameworks. This integration is pivotal for crafting a narrative that connects Vision with Transformation and outcomes, laying out a cause-and-effect roadmap for transformation and optimisation.
Sustaining Transformation with TAU- Moreover, the modeller serves as a central hub in the ongoing journey of knowledge accumulation and value sustenance through continuous optimization and change management—a methodology we term 'Transformation as Usual' (TAU).
Ready-to-Use and Customizable- The Modeller is not just a tool but a springboard, available right out of the box for immediate deployment. It also boasts a repository of pre-defined, industry-tailored samples which provides a sector-relevant starting point that can be customized, allowing organizations to build upon an existing foundation rather than starting from scratch, streamlining the path to transformation.
Strategy Hub Ver 6.0
A mapping and planning method, available right out of the box, that guides your planning and mobilization process to ensure every element is identified, linked and embedded.
The target operating model, or TOM, is the foundational future state operating model that links strategic intent with the organisation and allows every aspect of the change portfolio to be defined and expressed as operational cause and effect. As such it provides crucial visibility of exactly what needs to change, when and how, thereby forming the input agenda for program planning and management, and the transformation roadmap.
The TOM hub provides a defined methodology to both identify and to manage changes, ensuring robust and effective delivery against the 'As Is' operating model. Deriving clear visibility of operational process change requirements is a vital capability (adds,delete, keep, change, adapt), and includes the associated system, data, organisational and financial dimensions including interdependencies and KPIs.
This is underpinned by an integral central structure that sets the foundation assets of the Operating Model ( eg-Policy, Rules, KPIs, System, Data, Integration, people skills, workload models etc). As such it forms the central metadata container capturing key elements of ways of working and ensuring all interrelationships are aligned and locked in. This ability enables the creation of detailed blueprints for the process, systems, organisational, product, service and customer landscape.
The Modus ETP ecosystem
The TOM Hub compares with the 'As Is' operating model and identifies and drives the 'To Be' changes. It provides a clear methodology to identify and manage operating model changes, ensuring coordinated delivery. The TOM Hub is therefore the focal point for generating the change agenda in the Road Map at the detailed level. It enables change impact planning and management, and protects and maintains the essential connections between process and touch points. It makes the transformation vision and plans immediately accessible to change teams thereby building understanding and confidence in the programme.
The Insight Engine is a crucial tool in Transformation planning and mobilization, and ongoing measurement, evaluation, and reporting. It provides a sophisticated survey capability, therefore forming primary insight input to all areas including:
- Strategy and Leadership
- Business Model capture
- Value Chain and Operating Model design
- Organisational engagement and adoption
- Managing portfolios, programs, projects, and change initiatives
As such, it enables strategic alignment of leadership and transformation goals, facilitates stakeholder engagement, and ensures effective adoption of change. By providing insightful analysis of current value chains and operating models, it aids in identifying key areas for change and improvement. In addition, it enhances portfolio management by offering data-driven insights for effective decision-making. In change management, it assesses readiness for change, monitors the impact and progress of initiatives, and ensures alignment with transformation objectives.
Overall, the Insight Engine is indispensable for a holistic and successful transformation process. Finally, it plays a pivotal role in Human Resource Development particularly in areas such as:
- Culture
- Behavior
- Values
- Networks
- Maturity
- Emotional development
It provides a nuanced understanding of the organizational culture, helping identify and cultivate desired behaviors and values. By assessing interpersonal and professional networks, it enhances collaboration and social dynamics within the organization. The engine's ability to evaluate maturity levels aids in determining the workforce's readiness for advanced responsibilities and roles. Furthermore, in the realm of emotional development, it provides insights into emotional intelligence, resilience, and adaptability of individuals, which are crucial for personal and professional growth. Overall, the Assessment Engine is a key tool in fostering a well- rounded and effective human resource development strategy embedded in the overall Transformation roadmap.
The Modus Assessment Engine
The assessment engine's ability to evaluate maturity levels aids in determining the workforce's readiness for advanced responsibilities and roles. In the realm of emotional development, it provides insights into emotional intelligence, resilience, and adaptability of individuals, which are crucial for personal and professional growth. Overall, the Insight Engine is a key tool in fostering a well-rounded and effective human resource development strategy embedded in the overall Transformation roadmap.
In Modus ETP, the live Operating Model is the current operating ways of working living in the organisation in real-time. This represents the most up-to-date version of the operating model and forms the basis for the 'As Is' capture through which required changes are defined. Related overlays such as organisation design, data, systems, finance and infrastructure are identified and confirmed.
The foundational concepts in the platform functionality are identical to all forms and stages of the Operating model - whether Live, As Is snapshot, transitional or To Be.
As a result, the underlying foundational assets (eg KPIs, Roles, RACI, Rules, Policy, Training Materials, Governance) can be compared and contributed to the organisational change, training and communication processes.
In order to ensure sufficient detail to plan and drive change, the Operating Model is defined at 6 levels (level -1 to level 4) and the foundational assets are aligned with level 3.
Live Operating Model Ver 6.0
Transformation as an ongoing core competence is central to the Modus philosophy - Transformation as Usual (TAU). The Live Operating model ensures that knowledge of transformation method and outcomes is captured and available as a focal point to the entire organisation as a living knowledge management and development repository and method. The Modus Operating Model design and management feature allows your model to be continuously updated, maintained and communicated to your organisation ensuring every aspect is ‘lived‘ at the role level. As processes and activities adapt to required changes, data, system and role dimensions are reviewed and updated to ensure the elements that underpin the Live Operating Model remain current and relevant
Many transformations place significant emphasis on digitization and digitalization, especially where sectors are experiencing digital disruption.
By associating all aspects of Systems and Data with the Business model, value chain and Operating model, we bring a robust framework for IT design, build and implementation cycles. Connecting into the Operating Model ensures the business teams understand and put into practice - the Transformation As Usual concepts across the integrated business and integrated IT perspectives.
The Hub enables the capture and sustaining of all the central assets/artefacts driving systems and data Transformational needs. As such it provides a framework to connect the data flow logic with business rules and system rules, with an ability to build, govern and manage ongoing improvements for system design.
Modus ensures that the system and data catalogues are well connected to the operating model and transformation project needs in order to drive and sustain integrated IT changes.
The Portfolio Management Hub provides an entire suite of integrated PMO planning, management and reporting functionality. It automatically deploys project environments, templates and reporting, thereby creating centralized visibility and the consistent application of your chosen delivery method.
It supports central visibility of transformation requirements and prioritization and control of projects through delivery phases and stage gates, and automation of project management tasks and reporting.
Transformation portfolio structure can be derived through a cascade of linked multi-dimensional hierarchies, from, for example, a Headline Group Initiative Portfolio throughto dependent portfolios covering regional, functional, system or team-specific perspectives. It provides the ability to have centralized templates with specific team views connected to the Business and Operating Models and automates requisite project creation, task management and reporting.
It is designed to allow any combination of methodologies for fluid, agile project management, from individual projects to interrelated programmes and entire portfolios. This ensures that every detail of each project is identified, integrated, managed and reported, in context continuously.
This Hub provides the disciplines and structures of project and program management including fluid, agile methodologies. The structures and methodologies are embedded in the Modus Platform including connection with the selected underlying assets from the asset bank. Therefore integrated with people, process, systems and data across all project plan dependencies.
The organisational Change Management Hub (OCM hub) provides the capability to drive the process of change in a robust, coordinated manner across the entire transformation portfolio. It ensures that the requirements for change match the phases and pace through setup, engagement, delivery and adoption - and of course sustaining for Transformation as Usual (TAU).
Out-of-the-box methods, tools and techniques can be adopted, or your own preferred approach can be digitized and embedded.
The Hub provides all of the change methodology, tools, templates and integrated reporting required to mobilize and deliver change across the portfolios and activities within every project. It unlocks widespread collaboration across the business, enabling best practice delivery, driving the right skills and capability at team, role and user level as robust adoption of change happens at the individual role level.
It also allows the business to map and schedule the delivery of Transformation changes in relation to the business capability and resources together with a continuous response to pressures and change request decisions over the life of the Transformation.
The integrated Comms Hub provides a platform for users to access information, methods and assets/artefacts, and to manage the effective delivery of communication throughout the Transformation journey. It provides the framework to manage stakeholder communication and updates back to both business and transformation teams.
A crucial dimension of Modus planning and delivery methodology, the OCM Hub provides integrated tools and techniques that ensure best practice organisational change adoption from start to finish.
Central to the operation of the Modus Enterprise Transformation Platform is the 400+ bank of assets or artefacts ranging from methodologies, to tools and techniques, templates and frameworks, all of which can be selected to form the ideal combination to setup and deliver your specific requirements and provide repeatable template combinations for fast multiple deployments.
A few examples of the asset bank include:
- Value Chain
- Business Model canvas
- Mobilization framework
- Planning methods and templates
- Log Management templates
- Operating Model design and capture
- System and Data
- Build and Test Management
- Implementation Management
- Organisational Change Templates
- Training Frameworks
- Reporting dashboards
- Optimization and Governance
Optimization and Governance frameworks The Asset, or Artifact Bank offers a library of ready-made methods, tools and templates that can be selected and to form the ideal structure tailored to your precise transformation program design requirements. You can also add methodologies and tools to build-in your own preferred approach.
Transformation programs need to be quickly and easily accessible to all involved. Not only those directly involved in delivering change, but also those who need to inform and support the transformation process. In major transformations, this could mean hundreds, possibly thousands of people across an organisation and across locations and geographies. It could also include suppliers and service partners, consultants and technology vendors. Having a master portal to a centralised platform is an essential part of delivering and sustaining success.
The Modus Engagement Portal provides a single user interface to a centralised, common view of every facet of the transformation. It enhances productivity, supports program pace and solution adoption, and allows changes and updates to be communicated immediately, thereby ensuring that everyone is always on the same page.
It also enables cross-team collaboration, provides access to timely reports and keeps users abreast of scheduled commitments such as training and meetings. It is designed to meet the information, communication and activity management needs down to an individual level to ensure that every facet is relevant and tailored to the user.
Perhaps most importantly, once embedded, it becomes the ongoing natural way of accessing up-to-date materials such as training, operating models, roles, responsibilities and KPIs - in other words providing the focus for sustained change - 'Transformation as Usual'.
(Graphic of portal front screen)
The Modus Transformation Engagement Portal - a user-specific window on the entire Transformation portfolio.
This hub provides the capability to automate the repetition of any existing transformation structures, thereby ensuring that the inherited centralized frameworks are quickly and easily populated in a robust, pre-defined manner. Any required adjustments can then be made without starting from scratch. This means that all inherited methods, connections, assets and overlays can immediately deliver continuous, agile process optimization and innovation across the Operating Model for any emerging and future purpose.
Should alternative or additional operational tools and methods be required, they can be quickly accommodated into the structure ensuring all connections are still fully and securely embedded and managed.
A core feature is the deployment of a governance cycle that ensures process steps can be tracked as milestones and workflows support users to anticipate, plan and perform activities on time, including the ability to track and resolve issues and improvement needs as they arise. In other words, driving an Agile TAU cycle.
User access, both for change teams and business teams, is via the familiar engagement portal described in the last section which provides immediate access to the entire library of methods, logs, materials, tools and tailored dashboards and reports so that best practice transformation is always assured and re-enforced. This also delivers ongoing communication and learning throughout your organisation, ensuring that every aspect is ‘lived’ at the role level, and the benefits and value continue to be built and retained over time.
This Hub enables the ongoing development and capture of the process and benefits of Transformation as Usual (TAU) by providing the capability to replicate existing Transformation structures, by enabling continuous optimization of value chains and operating models, supported by workflow tools and the continuous communication and capture of all changes.
Here we link key transformation assets from various hubs and focus the role-based views so that individuals can access their own view, review the transformation roadmap and their own responsibilities, access their own reporting dashboard and track progress. They can even interact and collaborate with colleagues.
With the benefit of the overlaid touch-points across the value chains, operating models, programs, projects, processes, systems, data and people including all aspects of Transformation, the hub has the ability to slice and dice the dashboards to provide the most productive view for each role, both for business and transformation team members.
The Hub also has the ability to make the role-based view unique to roles and teams across multiple functions, geographies, SBUs or Brands.
As the hub links with all the identified structures and touchpoints across the entire transformation portfolio, it provides the ability to slice and dice the reports and dashboards to deliver the most relevant and productive view to every individual.
Imagine having access to a single platform that provides robust centralization and control of your entire Transformation portfolio across every aspect of change, translating strategy into execution, until the benefit is realized. One that :
- Provides easy access for both Transformation and Business teams filtered for specific role relevance.
- Offers a communication portal and access to tools, methodologies, cross-team and cross-functional collaboration, training, surveys and reporting.
- Captures and updates every dimension of delivery and learning to enable 'Transformation as Usual' into the future.
The Transformation Office Hub (TMO) creates the overarching capability for 'Transformation as Usual' with all aspects of methodology in a single, templated structure. This ensures that all the benefits of the 'Transformation as Usual' culture and capability are retained and available for repeated deployments into any team, function, region or business unit.
TMO creates a delivery portfolio linked to the requirements of the 'To-Be' Operating Model. It aligns the activities of projects and programs with the key outcomes, and with sponsors, Transformation and Business Teams down to the role level.
Transformation Engagement Hub Ver 6.0
Access a single platform that provides robust centralization and control of your entire Transformation portfolio across every aspect of change translating strategy into execution, until the benefit is realized.
Mobile Pulse App
Today’s mobile-centric ways of working make constant access to reports, progress and collaboration tools essential. This capability means that the benefits can be consumed "anytime-anywhere" to promote and maximise team and individual productivity.
A further feature is the Mobile Pulse survey facility that allows regular evaluation of progress across operational, technical, organisational and even emotional change. This is vital to the continuous capture, measurement and reporting of progress towards the adoption of change and the achievement of benefits.
To take the transformation platform onto the next level of search and automation, we provide the Modus Intelligent Chatbot using Microsoft's Language Understanding and Intelligence framework (LUIS). The chatbot acts as a personal assistant, providing content search, timely reminders of requirements and scheduled events, and even automating key tasks on behalf of the individual. The chatbot is fully integrated with the core transformation catalogues which it uses as base metadata.
We have pre-trained the chatbot with Transformation Scenariosto to help support role specifications, but over a period of time intelligent machine learning builds an ever-greater understanding of individual ways of working, thereby becoming an indispensable Transformation Buddy that drives ever-greater productivity.
The Mobile Pulse App and Chatbot mean that Transformation delivery, collaboration, surveys and personalised assistance are available anytime, anywhere.
Whilst we have already made significant progress in this area, Modus continues to adopt the next generation of exciting developments that will take Transformation delivery and Transformation as Usual on into the future of AI-enabled planning, management and virtual or mixed reality collaboration
Modus AI-based Transformation Intelligence
With the underlying structures for the Transformation already in place, we take these to the next level. Our Transformation Intelligence solution provides transformation simulation and 'what-if' analysis. In line with the vision, the business model canvass and the value chain, the Intelligence engine will simulate alternative scenarios for the Operating Model and all associated dimensions of process change.It includes a 'Skill Mapper' which provides models of the likely cross-functional, team and resource impacts. A Transformation Roadmap Modeler enables 'what-if' comparison of alternative roadmaps across as many change dimensions and lenses required including budget, financial and general business outcomes. Finally, during delivery of change, the intelligence engine has the ability to run what-if analysis of in-flight project changes such as continue, start, stop, change etc.
The AI technology means that machine learning is continuously active, re-enforcing and improving the transformation experience for the future - a virtuous circle.
Mixed Reality Virtual Collaboration
Imagine the world of three-dimensional mixed reality where teams can interact and share joint design sessions, discuss change impact analysis and collaborate as if in the same place. Based on Microsoft's Hololens, virtual reality and metaverse technology, this is already possible. It represents the next exciting development in team collaboration, "Anytime - Anywhere". Teams can share ideas, see interdependencies and impacts, plan and manage in three dimensions, whether co-located or thousands of miles apart. It is the future of team collaboration and productivity.
The pace of development in the digital world means that we can continue to develop Modus ETP by providing facilities based on AI-powered scenario analysis that enables fast comparative planning, together with virtual or mixed reality connectivity further supporting anytime anywhere, team collaboration, thereby delivering ever-greater TAU productivity.