The Transformation as Usual Hub…
A Connected Transformation Ecosystem
Section 1 - Transformation Challenge We Face
Keeping up with customer demand at optimised cost and profitability clearly remains a primary requirement. But we are now having to consider so many other dimensions, obligations and moving targets. So many lenses through which we must view the planning and delivery of transformational change. To pick a few big hitters:
- The values we choose to embed in everything we do and the reputation we, therefore wish to achieve. This of course is a key driver of culture.
- Shifts in business models, consequent changes to value chains and operating models
- How these translate into agile, frictionless customer journeys and experience
- Challenges of digital disruption and implications for systems, data and way so working
- Climate change and responsibility for waste, emissions, land and water use
- Resilience and risk-reduction in the face of natural disasters
- Faster, more agile product and service innovation, including how efficiently NPD is translated into effective NPI and optimised performance
- How our organizations are designed and our structures and people enabled to respond to new organisational paradigms to deliver agile, collaborative, data-rich ways of working
- How leadership teams respond to change by adapting their capabilities to lead change as well as optimise business performance
- Challenges of replicating or adapting operating models across regions and countries - even continents
And, of course, none of these exists in isolation. Changes delivered in one dimension need to be considered and coordinated with all others in order to avoid creating more confusion and conflict than we resolve. And that is where the issue of complexity lives.
At Modus, we have applied ourselves to the challenge of creating a multi-dimensional Enterprise Transformation Platform - Modus ETP.
It comprises integrated capability modules that guide and enable planning, management, and delivery of even the most complex Transformational Change. It lives at the heart of an organisation and is an active knowledge and collaboration hub fit for the future. With the cost of failure so high, Modus ETP supports the mitigation of transformational risk to achieve both return on investment and sustainable, future-proof change capability.
The challenges will of course vary, depending on the industry sector and the competitive landscape. But themes such as customer obsession, agility, resilience, and ESG, exist for all. Sometimes, however, they can appear to be in conflict with revenue generation, cost management and profitability. How you respond to those obligations, and conflicts and navigate the resultant transformational change, can be hugely challenging, both at a practical level and an emotional one. Whatever your role in your organisation, the things that keep you awake at night will be clear to you. The exam question is what you can do to respond in a collaborative, cross-functional manner, and exactly how to do that to ensure successful outcomes.
Focusing exclusively on the issues that are most critical at any one point in time is clearly important, but can encourage isolated responses which often causes new problems in other areas.
The Modus platform helps you to understand the specific change needs within the context of the related landscape and cause-and-effect connections. This can involve thousands of moving parts which need centralised, inter-connected design and control.
For all of these reasons, doing nothing is simply not an option. Doing a little puts us at the mercy of faster, more engaged and agile competitors. If we simply tinker at the edges we only delay the inevitable, deepen the crisis, and make the journey even more arduous.
But Transformation programmes are fraught with superhuman challenges. From sheer complexity to inexperience and resistance to change, it is estimated that 70% of transformation programmes fail to deliver full ROI. As many as 50% fail almost entirely. In addition to lost benefits, failure also renders an organisation allergic to future change initiatives. Given that Transformation now needs to be a continuous core competence, the job is not done until 'Transformation as Usual' (TAU) has taken root. In the final analysis, what counts is the level of adoption you achieve as an outcome of effective delivery and the degree to which that is sustained.
It has always been tempting to think that technology alone will ‘save the day – a new system to digitise and digitalise content and process is clearly vital, but, time after time, we have seen that only the right emphasis and balance between people, process and systems will deliver in full. This is frankly nothing new, but it is what makes it so hard to achieve truly successful outcomes.
Perhaps the biggest challenge of all is the sheer complexity of coordinating and controlling thousands of moving parts across organisational, process and technology changes. The fact is if they are not locked to an integrated transformational backbone with centralised frameworks, assets and templates, and with automated workflows and reporting, the root cause of failure is written in from the start.
The sheer complexity of coordinating and controlling thousands of moving parts across organisational, process and technology changes is all too often the root cause of failure. Modus ETP provides an integrated transformation backbone with out-of-the-box centralised frameworks, assets and templates, including automated workflows and reporting.
Control can only be achieved when every single element is linked, forming an integrated portfolio structure. The devil is always in the detail and so that is the level at which connections must be made to ensure that the delivery backbone is robust and will not decay or collapse as the transformation journey progresses.
The Modus platform is already pre-designed to help you structure your transformation and set up detailed links. In addition, this makes it quick and easy to replicate the structure for further deployment in new or additional areas such as territories, SBUs, functions and so on.
Structuring includes the 'lenses' through which your Transformation must be viewed for planning purposes, the dimensions that must be associated, such as organisational hierarchies, customer segments, products and services, brands, supply network partners, systems and data. It also includes levels of granularity in, for example, your operating models where all of the lenses and dimensions are visualised and their changes articulated.
A robust setup structure is essential for successful delivery.
As with pretty much anything, the first step is to gain true visibility of things as they are relative to how they need to change. Sounds simple, but the challenge is not just in mapping 'as is' and 'to be' process states, but also in overlaying and connecting the customer, organisational, data, systems and financial dimensions such that cause and effect interrelationships become clear and precise at a detailed level. Right down to how roles and ways of working will change, the training that is required to up-skill or re-skill people, and the KPIs and rules that will be applied - all in one interconnected regime.
This is the powerhouse of the change ecosystem - from the Business Model changes to the resultant Value Chain and Operating Models - the agenda for change can be found here. Of course, there are many ways to map processes, but that's the easy part - ensuring that absolutely every one of thousands of moving parts is connected via a changing ecosystem is the essence of control. Modus ETP provides this ecosystem and the methodologies and tools to guide and enable teams to deliver to plan.
Modus ETP provides a centralised visibility and integration ecosystem with the methodologies and tools to guide and enable teams to deliver to plan.
- Retail
- Building & housing
- Education
- Agriculture & Poultry
- Automotive
- Utility & Energy
- Hospitality
- Healthcare
- Industrial Manufactoring
- Media & Telecom
- Professional Service
- Transport
- Environment & Nature
- Fishery
- Space Science
- Legal
- Aerospace & Defence
- Life Science
- Internation ORG
- Infrastructure
- Real Estate
- Financial Services
- Earth Science
- It Product & Services
- House Services
- Mining, Oil & Gas
- Govermental Services
- Charity Services
- Social Media
- Family Management
- Religion
- Politics
Modus modules have been configured to suit various industry models.