A Connected Transformation Ecosystem
Modus ETP - Enterprise Transformation Platform Introduction
Transformational change is now on most Board agendas
It seems as though the imperatives for change increase by the day. A cocktail of challenges requiring constant review and consequent transformation programmes. Boards of Directors now have to consider not only crucial revenue, profit and cost dimensions together with continuous innovation in products and services to meet consumer preference and demand, but also environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations, legal and, of course, organisational, business and supply chain resilience and renewal.
This inevitably plays out in changing business models and resultant value chains and operating models. No wonder there is now a growing recognition that transformation needs to be a continuous core competence, not a one-off exercise. But, for that to be a reality, organisations need capabilities and methodologies to centralise and control the sheer complexity and integration requirements that such a level of constant change brings. Cause and effect visibility and connection across every aspect of people, process and technology to the smallest detail, effectively controlled, delivered, adopted and sustained, is the name of the game. It's possible and it cannot be ignored, but it is not for the feint hearted! Read on...